Easy Resume Builder

Seamlessly Combine Resume Building and Job Search in One Place

AI Auto-Apply

Let AI Handle Your Daily Job Applications, Zero Effort - 1-3 jobs per day

Ready-Made Templates

We create the perfect resume template for you.

Job Matching AI

Smart Algorithms to Pair You With Your Ideal Job Opportunities

Search Jobs Once, Find them Everywhere.

"One Search to Find Them, One Platform to Unite Them, One Dashboard to Bring Them All and in Success Bind Them."


How We Help

Job RedE - AI is your gateway to the future of professional advancement. Dive deep into the realm of cutting-edge artificial intelligence and empower your career aspirations. With our groundbreaking technology, crafting a resume becomes an art of precision and prowess. Don't just be part of the crowd; let Job RedE elevate you above it. Step into a new era where ambition meets AI excellence, and set yourself on the path to unparalleled success!

Time Saved
Over 5 hours per day

Did you know that using a resume template can save you up to 5 hours of formatting time? Spend time where it counts: preparing for that interview!

Increase Callbacks
50% Higher

Using a well-designed resume template can increase your chances of getting an interview by 50%

50 + Industries

Our template is tailored for over 50 different industries. Get a template that speaks your professional language

Beat Competiton
95% headstart

95% of our users reported an increase in job interviews within the first month of using our resume templates.



Resumes Created

Templates That Make Recruiters Take Notice


Hours Saved

More Time for What Truly Matters!


Jobs Indexed

Access to 50,000+ Vetted Job Openings!"

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Get Job Ready with AI

Unleashing AI to refine your resume and job search. Turn aspirations into realities now.
